I will start with a hypothesis based on an article that appeared in an AP article and was cited in our local newspaper………
Establish the Problem
1) Is this (article) symptomatic of what’s happening in our community?
(Guest should site specific instances beyond the ones cited below)
- Politicians will be coming into our community shortly asking for our votes.
- 579 political dynamics that occurred.
- Power structure going to church leaders to get things from our community.
- Media coming to us for negative stories, just to get you pix in the newspaper.
- High cost of certain services, but we never get those companies to return sizeable investment in community, i.e. build fire house in our community. We need a building that can accommodate $5,000 people in our community, why aren’t we getting this from the Verizon’s of the world.
- Why settle for a bone, when we can own the chicken coupe?
1) Why Do We allow it to happen or why hasn’t it happen?
Our roads are still the poorest. Our lights are still the poorest. Still lowest paying jobs.
2) What are the personal forces at play when this happens?
3) Who is to Blame?
- What is the role of leaders in the community in addressing this problem.
- What is the role of the follower?
- What is the role of the community?
- Are we visionless, or is the minority communities actions a part of a bigger plan, yet to be unveiled?
- Are we only concerned with personalized self gain?
- Do we have an over burden selfish desire to be highly regarded regardless the cost?
Solutions to Problems?
What are solutions to the problem?
Individual Call To Action