Sunday, July 30, 2006

A Citizen's Impression of a Political Forum

This election will test the political power of the African American community in Wicomico County, Maryland. A recent political forum sponsored by the NAACP showed some startling differences in a few of the candidates. Most of the candidates for the office of Sheriff did not believe racial profiling exist in our local community, despite the fact that the African Community does. My guest this past week was Harold Curry, a long time educator in the region. He attended the forum. He felt that many of the candidates did not address the issues squarely, though there was a candidate that stood out clearly as deserving his vote. That candidate was one of those persons that was not aware that racial profiling was an issue in the African American and Hispanic communities. This candidate's now absence from the law enforcement milieu helped him to understand why he was not aware of racial profiling. He felt the Sheriff's department has some serious problems with lack of minorities being hired, and when they are hired they quickly exit the department. Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 28, 2006

Who Shot the Sheriff?

Wow! --- I had another opportunity to be the moderator of the second NAACP's Meet the Candidate Forum. I've moderated many forums over the years. This forum was the best attended --- more that 150 persons in attendance. The forum gave the African American community an opportunity to "paint a pix" of the candidates for various political offices, particularly those running for the office of Sheriff. By the way --- why don't we call this office something a bit more contemporary, i.e. County Police Department --- then you would have City Policy, County Police and State Police Offices --- what do you think.? The title of Sheriff reminds me of the days of gunfights and drinking in saloons -- i.e. Gunsmoke, The Wild Wild West. Also shouldn't this position be appointed by the Chief Elected Official in the County. Okay back to the forum. This was probably the most discerning forum I'v conducted. Lots of differences exist with those candidates running for the office of Sheriff. All, but one of these sheriffs candidates will be shot on September 12, 2006. See the article written by the local newspaper, (Article).

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Hispanic-Latino Community with Jackie Sanchez

Jackie Sanchez, a Hispanic-Latino, (Hi-La) Community Activist shared with us the dynamics that causes Hi-La to migrate to America. We discussed the difference between an immigrant with a visa, and an undocumented immigrant. I had no idea that the cost to be an immigrant with a visa, etc, cost as much as it does ($1,000 app.) and it took so long, (5 years + app.). Many times employers, despite having all the proper documentation, unknowingly hire undocumented immigrants. By the way, if you haven't picked up on it yet, the politically correct term is "undocumented immigrants", and not illegal aliens, a term once used. Hi-La have become a politically strong force, and their voices are being heard, throughout this great land of ours.

The African-Ameri
can (Af-Am) and Hispanic Communities will make a greater effort to work together. I invited Jackie to the Juneteeth festivities next year and the NAACP's Political Forum upcoming this week. September is Hi-La Heritage Month. I've extended the invitation to Jackie to have a Hi-La festival on air. Stay Tune. Thanks Jackie.

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Friday, July 21, 2006

Let's Talk Hispanic Latino Issues

We revisit issues that affect the Hispanic Community on Saturday’s (7/22/06) radio show. Mrs. Jackie Sanchez will be my guest. Mrs. Sanchez is a Hispanic community activist. We will focus on ways we can bring our non-majority communities together.

An All Male--- All Minority Education Approach

Brother Adhim Deveaux took a chance this past week and was my radio guest. Adhim continues to be a brave soul, despite leaving Salisbury, Maryland. He talked about the education milieu that he is now a part of, in Mount Vernon, New York. I have heard it said so many times that the quality of our education was worsened for African Americans when integration took place. (I will make an assumption that you know all the reasons why this is purported to be the case, and not cite them in this article). If that’s the case, then the converse would be that a segregated approach would be more effective.

Adhim and I talked about this general topic a bit on the program. He teaches at an all boy school, in which African American and Hispanics are students. The school does not purposely segregate, (of course not). It incorporates the ethnicity of the school’s students. Persons of other races opt not to enroll. (Isn’t that amazing?). The approach increases one’s self image, self worth etc., thus doing better in school. There are teachers who care about and can relate to the students. The outcomes are still being tallied. When completed Adhim will share them with us. I will post an audio portion of my interview with Adhim this weekend, on this blogsite. You will be able to hear the interview.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Are Segregated Schools Better For Us?

Saturday's (7/15) radio show will feature one of our old collegues --- I say old, but he's really young, the dynamic Ahim Deveaux will be joining us out of Mount Vernon, New York. The topic will be Are Segregated Schools Effective? (Professor) Deveaux is currently a teacher in a segregated school in Mount Vernon. The school is all male and African America. Do we need to have our own schools? Are we moving away from the dream of Dr. King? I have a feeling Adhim will be telling us it's the way to go if we are dissatisfied with the current quality of education.


The NAACP availed me the opportunity to moderate its Meet the Candidates forum last night. The NAACP got some very good publicity and the public had an opportunity to hear from the umptee-nine candidates. I doubt there will be any other debates with that many people. Cudos to the NAACP and the candidates. Here is the weblink to the newspaper article, NEWS PAPER ARTICLE.

The lady with me in the picture at the left is Lucy Graf, running for the office of County Council at Large. Very funny lady. It was an enjoyable evening for all. Thanks to the Political Action Team for making things happen. We are striving to build our community.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Is Black Leadership Under Siege on Maryland's Eastern Shore?

On this weeks' Called2Action radio program former Maryland State Senator Clarence Mitchell III and Dr. H. DeWayne Whittington, former Superintendent of the Somerset County School system, said yes to this article's title question. Displacement of Black leadership may be blatant, but many times its subtle. Dr. Whittington's displacement as Superintendent was blatant. Dr. Charlene Boston's, (first African American female Superintendent of any school system on the shore) displacement was more subtle. Kenneth Ballard in NAACP President in Somerset County another example. Both guest cited other cases to support the conclusion that Black Leadership is under siege. Another point, the enemy is not always outside of our community. Many times the displacement occurs from within.

After the show I had someone call me to say that they wanted me to do another show on the topic and focus on the notion of our own desire to displace ourselves --- sometimes instigated by ourselves, and other times instigated by someone outside of our community.

What can we do? 1) Become involved in an organizations that's doing something, 2) Contact Senator Mitchell (410-901-9795) -- he is involved with an organization that's addressing this issue, amongst other similar issues, 3) start a conscious effort to address this problem, yourself, 4) Youth -- learn as much as you can about these type concerns and then do something to address them, and 5) Be involved in a church.

Thank you men, for paving the road, and continuing to maintain it's upkeep.

Why Black Men Are No Going To Church ...From A Husband and Wife Perspective

Pastors Anthony and Linda Wheatley brought some insightful information to the show on our July 1, 2006 show. They shared with us some of the things they are doing in their walk with God to bring more men into the church. Pastor Anthony leads a men's discussion group. Pastor Linda shared the humbling quality of women washing their husband's feet, and responding to their husbands as being the head of the family. THOUGHT: It would be interesting to hear the initial feedback from women, particularly christian women, when they are told this. Men must feel wanted and genuinely appreciated, especially by those that they view as vessels of the gospel.