Potential Barack Omaba Delegate and Easton, Maryland Councilwoman Mooneye Jackson-Amis,
(in-set) and Adhim Deveaux joined me in this past week end to discuss the topic, "Is America Ready for A Black Man In the White House"? A lively discussion was had with my guest and those persons calling in to the program. Essentially what came out of the program was that America is ready --- America as a whole ---- However it's surprising that some of our most highly visiable African America personalities may not be, i.e. Congressmen John Lewis, Charles Rangal, Andrew Young, Julian Bond, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Tavis Smiley, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson ---- well you get the idea. The question becomes are our African American Leaders ready for someone to reach higher achievements than they themselves have. As my guest Adhim mentioned, the light is now being shown on our African American Leaders. "Now we see what they are all about". I can't help but think, maybe that's why as a people we have not been able to achieve more ----- Self Centered Black Leaders ----- You think? Thanks Councilwoman Jackson-Amis and Community Activist Deveaux.