Do Sports Coaches Take Advantage of Our Kids?
The response on the Called2Action Radio Program was a resounding Yesssssssss. W
inning at all cost has become the mantra. More Kids than fewer, are being exploited. They are not being taught the fundamentals of the game. Coaches pattern what they see on television. This week we had Kenny Luck, a multi sports record holder at the University of Delaware (see article) and a Washington Bullets draftee, Donnie Waters, a one time all time scoring leader at a local high school and from North Carolina Fred Whitted, author of the article Black Head Coaches: History vs. Reality (see article). Parents must be activitely involved in assuring their kids that education is
primary, and sports should aid in this endeavor, not replace it. Chances of our children becoming pro athletics are slim to none.
In the first picture on this page is Radio personality Randi White, who has worked with us as a technical producer - engineer and on air commentator. Randi leaves us this week to go to another job. We'll miss you Randi. You've been wonderful to work with. We all influence each
others lives, Randi did ours. Take care sis. In the second pix, myself, on air guest Donnie Waters and Kenny Luck, and co-host David Miller.
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