Saturday, April 08, 2006

Why Don't Minority Groups Vote?

In the major African American community in Salisbury, the voter turnout in the last election was higher than it's been in quite a while, (app. 34%). However, it was the lowest voter turnout in the county. In one precinct the voter turnout was 95%.

The attitude that "I can't make a difference", prevails with the majority. Councilman Ed Taylor, (picture in set), suggested on going need to show the relevancy to our youth. David, (my co-host) will try to fire up some of our youth people.

shared some "late breaking" news this morning. It is anticipated the General Assemble will overturn the Governor's veto on Monday. If that happens, in September of this year Maryland voters will be able to vote at any precinct (any location) in the state of Maryland. Also voters will be able to vote for one week ----- the week prior to the typical election day going into Saturday. This should make things more accessible to all
persons. Now let's get our folks to the polls ----- after we get them to register to vote.
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