To Name A Building
Dr. H. DeWayne Whittington, first Af-Am Board of Education Superintendent in Somerset County, Maryland, (inset on right) did not have his contract renewed by the Somerset County Board of Education, his bosses. He took them to court on a racial discrimination charge and won. The judge ruled that a school in Somerset County should be named after him. A school was named after him and a few years later the school was closed down. The notion of having another school named after him was re-discussed by the board of education one evening. One of the organization that spoke that night, and may have influenced the Board in not having a school renamed after him was the local branch of the NAACP, (President Kenneth Ballard left inset).
I invited both men into the studio to discuss this issue. Happy to add, our discussion has lead to the realization of the importance of communicating with each other and gather as much of the facts as you can before rendering a point of view is paramount. Won't get into details here, but you may listen to the program by clicking on the appropriate link off to the left of this page.
I have posted some historical background information on this issue; just click on this link.

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