A Called2Action Town Meeting with Wicomico County's Highest Elected Official
Wicomico County's First County Executive Richard Pollitt was my guest on 11/18/2007. Contrary to the desires of the African American community to have this new form of government, our entire community must accept it, and make every effort to make certain that it works for the entire community particularly the least of these. I expressed a concern with Rick that was shared with him when he ran for office --- increasing the number of African Americans in paid policy making positions in the county. I particularly tried to get him to commit to a specific number of African Americans by December of 2008. Though he did not, he did express that he would be disappointed if the number was not increased.Other areas we discussed, the lack of adequately paying jobs for African Americans, housing, education and data gathering, or a lack thereof. The Called to Action, offered by Rick, be actively involved in your government. Rick shared his email address and encouraged persons to write him --- he responses to all. His email: www.rickpollitt@wicomicocounty.org. Thanks Rick.
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