Sunday, December 23, 2007
Let's All Have A Called2Action Christmas

...and now here they are.
A few repeats for you, based on your likes
- December 23, 2007 Guest Arnold Patent , Author of the book, You Can Have It All.
- December 30, 2007 Guest Ernie Ramos, Natural Health Expert.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Frustrated Over Lack of Af-Am Support
Though council woman Shields did not express the notion that this will be her last term, she has mentioned in the past that she does not intend to be a life time politician and this could be her last term as a council woman. Wouldn't it be surprising if upon her leaving no one vied for the position? Amazing, but it could happen. We just don't seem to be interested in achieving a fuller degree of empowerment.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Everybody Over There Get On Up,..Get Involved, Get Involved....
Tonight's program features a couple of community updates -- one on the attempts to bring a charter school into the community. I guarantee you, you will find the status of things very surprising.
Secondly, I'll present to you through specific examples the need for a dose of social and political viagra in the African American community. We don't have more, because we don't want more.
Secondly, I'll present to you through specific examples the need for a dose of social and political viagra in the African American community. We don't have more, because we don't want more.
Continued Discussion on a Weapon of Mass Destruction
David Lee (Seattle, Washington) and Alice White (Princess Anne, Maryland) joined me on the program this past week. In an attempt to keep the one of the many weapons of mass destruction in front of our community, I continued the topic of HIV/AIDs.
David Lee attained the virus through a homosexual relationship about ten years ago. David shared with us that since contracting the virus he has undertaken to things that he previously only though about doing; traveling being one of those things. HIV is not a death sentence.
Alice White contracted the disease from her husband, and has been trying to get the word out. She shared that her church and community has not been supportive, though she's gotten some support from other communities.
What have we been learning? Any relationship can result in HIV. Get tested. There are drugs that will sustain life. Have one partner. Partners should get tested together. If contracted, it is not a death sentence. Continue to enjoy life. Use condoms, when uncertain of partners sexual habits ---- This suggestion I don't like, but it's what came out of interview. We must meet people where they are. Well, I hope the last two programs have increased an awareness on HIV. I will post the entire interview with Mr. Lee and Mrs. White at www.esnipps.com. Thanks to Mr. Lee and Mrs. White for sharing a bit of their personal lives with us.
David Lee attained the virus through a homosexual relationship about ten years ago. David shared with us that since contracting the virus he has undertaken to things that he previously only though about doing; traveling being one of those things. HIV is not a death sentence.
Alice White contracted the disease from her husband, and has been trying to get the word out. She shared that her church and community has not been supportive, though she's gotten some support from other communities.
What have we been learning? Any relationship can result in HIV. Get tested. There are drugs that will sustain life. Have one partner. Partners should get tested together. If contracted, it is not a death sentence. Continue to enjoy life. Use condoms, when uncertain of partners sexual habits ---- This suggestion I don't like, but it's what came out of interview. We must meet people where they are. Well, I hope the last two programs have increased an awareness on HIV. I will post the entire interview with Mr. Lee and Mrs. White at www.esnipps.com. Thanks to Mr. Lee and Mrs. White for sharing a bit of their personal lives with us.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Continuing the Discussion on HIV/AIDS

HIV/AIDS; A Weapon of African American Mass Destruction
Monday, November 19, 2007
A Called2Action Town Meeting with Wicomico County's Highest Elected Official

Other areas we discussed, the lack of adequately paying jobs for African Americans, housing, education and data gathering, or a lack thereof. The Called to Action, offered by Rick, be actively involved in your government. Rick shared his email address and encouraged persons to write him --- he responses to all. His email: www.rickpollitt@wicomicocounty.org. Thanks Rick.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
A Town Meeting with Ricky Pollitt - Wicomico County's First County Executive
Wicomico County's First County Executive, Rick Pollitt, joins me on Sunday 11/18/2007. It's been a year since Mr. Pollitt assumed office. We'll be discussing the African American community's many challenges in rural and conservative Wicomico County Maryland. This is scheduled to be a Town meeting.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
A Salute to our Buffalo Soldiers and Others on Veteran's Day

Tom's comment to address this matter was that the organizations were one, though their physical locations are different. The local Black VFW's have helped to establish White VFW's, and vise versa. My "take" on Commander Kimball's response was these organizations are as separate as the Black and White Churches; but who am I to formulate that "take". I've not served in the military, only the Boy Scouts. Nevertheless, the Call2Action, thank a soldier on this their day Veteran's Day 2007.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Called2Action Goes Oversees This Weekend

Monday, October 29, 2007
Overcoming the Anxiety of Public Speaking w/ Tamika Johnson-Hall

Saturday, October 27, 2007
Conquering One of Our Greatest Fears

Tamika Johnson, CEO of a Worton, Maryland based company will be my guest this weekend. She will discuss how we can overcome one of our greatest fears. What is that fear? Well you'll just have to tune in to find out. Sunday at 8:00pm on Called2Action. See link to left to listen to program live. Visit Mrs. Johnson's website.
Tamika will be joining me in the studio.
What's Our Problem? Jimmy Dumas Tells It Like It Is.

My friend Jimmy Dumas, filled in this past week on the Called2Action radio program. We talked a bit about a few of the reasons Why African Americans Suffer, from his book, the 24 Reasons Why African Americans Suffer. One of those reasons that we talked about was the Jinxs of Slavery. We talked about the need to give to each other, and the lack of spiritually as the basis for our problems. Let me recommend you buy the book. We also talked about addressing these problems in a local/national forum. Stay Tuned. Something big is about to happen.
Young Millionaire --- To Be Re-scheduled
Andres Laura, my scheduled guest last week was not able to join us. Andres was on a book tour and in the midst of fulfilling several motivational speaking engagements around the country. I'll try to re-schedule him on a future program. I'll keep you apprised.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Homeless at 16, Millionaire at 24

My guest this weekend is the Called2Action's first admitted millionaire. Well, I've had several other millionaires on the program, I suspect, but for good and to be obvious reasons my guest this weekend is happy to admit it. Several things inspired me to have my guest on the program this week; he is young, at age 16 he was homeless, parentless, did not know where his next meal would come from, a refugee ---- you get the picture. Eight years later he was a millionaire, CEO of his own company, has written several books ---- again you get the picture. How did he do it? We discuss how everyone can do the same thing. Join me this weekend with my guest. See his website.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Part 3 of my discussion on Health with Ernie Ramos
The third and final installation of my discussion with Ernie Ramos, (see below) was held this past week. Here are some highlights. I have also posted an audio of this interview, see favorite links on left side of this page.
Asthma --- Lobelia and inflata herbs ---- help to stop asthma attacks.
Prostate Cancer --- stinking nettles, pumpkin seeds, saw palmetto. These herbs will help the prostrate gland. Strengthening the urinary tract will also help. This may be done by using the following herbs, uvarusi, peach bark, parsley, water with lemon, cranberry juice. Stay away from greasy foods.
How can we avert the flu --- vitamin C 4000 milligrams a day, use garlic. Garlic is a natural antibiotic. Ernie gave a recipe of a broth. The contents are garlic roots, keny pepper, olive oil, onion, and lemon. You can get the entire recipe by listen to the interview. (See link to the left to listen to part 3 of interview. Link is entitled Listen to Past Called2Action programs).
Great information. Thanks Ernie. Earnie may be contacted at ejr51@verizon.net
Asthma --- Lobelia and inflata herbs ---- help to stop asthma attacks.
Prostate Cancer --- stinking nettles, pumpkin seeds, saw palmetto. These herbs will help the prostrate gland. Strengthening the urinary tract will also help. This may be done by using the following herbs, uvarusi, peach bark, parsley, water with lemon, cranberry juice. Stay away from greasy foods.
How can we avert the flu --- vitamin C 4000 milligrams a day, use garlic. Garlic is a natural antibiotic. Ernie gave a recipe of a broth. The contents are garlic roots, keny pepper, olive oil, onion, and lemon. You can get the entire recipe by listen to the interview. (See link to the left to listen to part 3 of interview. Link is entitled Listen to Past Called2Action programs).
Great information. Thanks Ernie. Earnie may be contacted at ejr51@verizon.net
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Continuing the Discussion on Addressing Our Nutrition, Naturally

- the importance of knowing your body better than anyone else.
- selecting a doctor that has some familiarity with nutrition.
- realize our health care system is more concerned about the dollar, than actual care of individuals.
- all prescribed drugs have side effects.
- you must be concerned about your own health; you know you better than anyone else.
- Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) is excellent for allergies. It serves as a natural antihistamine for our bodies. Serving it to kids in 500 milligrams, adults 2,000 or so. In order to get vitamin B5 you must go to a food health store.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Do We Become What We Eat? If So, Who Wants To Be a Cucumber.

This will be a very informative program that will affect us all.
Go Ernie, Go Ernie, Go Ernie......
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Challenges Confronting HBCU's in Maryland with President Richardson
I was initially inspired to have Dr. Richardson join me after I heard on another radio station that Morgan State University, (MSU) was upset that the University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) had gotten an Engineering program. The report stated that MSU's engineering program would suffer because there were now two HBCU's with engineering programs in the state of Maryland. When I heard that report it sounded so idiotic that I thought I should make an effort to have the President to address this. President Richardson shared with me that he was proud to hear that UMES had received this program. In his 23 years at MSU he has worked for all HBCU's to have program and to receive adequate funding to operate. In my own words, HBCU's get the shaft; they are given programs and inadequate funding and then they are evaluated as if funding was adequate. The Higher Education Commission, (MHEC), which is responsible for planning educational endeavors in the state of Maryland has assumed a political role, which has not worked in our interest. Again these are my words and not Dr. Richardson's. By the way MSU, unlike UMES is not a part of the University system. I wonder what role does the Chancellor have in this, by the way who appoints the Chancellor and who appoints MHEC? Do you catch where I'm headed. Thanks Dr. Richardson for sharing this information.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Prostate Cancer In African American Men
Sunday, September 16, 2007

Highly informative programming upcoming. Here they are:
- September 16, 2007 --- Prostate Cancer in African American Men -- Drs. Herman Franklin and Al Rayne (In Studio)
- September 23, 2007--- President of Morgan State University Dr. Earl Richardson talks about Challenges Confronting Historically Black Institutions. (In Studio) Picture in set
- September 30, 2007 --- What We Eat and Shouldn't Eat --- Dr. Earnie Ramos -- (Joins Us From New York City)
- October 7, 2007 --- The Going's On in the Haitian Community -- Bro. Habacuc Pepion (In Studio)
Sunday, September 09, 2007
HIV/AID in the African American Community...and our Women.

Sunday, September 02, 2007
Disparities In Health Care and Health Outcomes...

Monday, August 27, 2007
To Name A Building
I invited both men into the studio to discuss this issue. Happy to add, our discussion has lead to the realization of the importance of communicating with each other and gather as much of the facts as you can before rendering a point of view is paramount. Won't get into details here, but you may listen to the program by clicking on the appropriate link off to the left of this page.
I have posted some historical background information on this issue; just click on this link.
Black Enough? What Do You Mean?

Sunday, August 19, 2007
Not Black Enough. What In the World Does That Mean?

The Ghetto Is Not My Final Destination

Sunday, August 12, 2007
Here Doesn't Have To Be Your Final Stop

Monday, August 06, 2007
A Called2Action Evening with Arnold Patent
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Closing the Racial Digital Divide

The longer we delay to take action, the greater the divide will become.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Reducing the Digital Divide ---- Is it Possible?
This week (7/30/07), Reducing the Digital Divide ---- Dr. Robert Johnson, Instructor at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, stops by the newsroom --- locale of the Called2Action radio program. Is it possible to reduce the great digital divide? If so, how?
Next Week, author of the book, You Can Have It All, Arnold Patent.
You can listen to Called2Action via the internet each week. See the link on the left.
Next Week, author of the book, You Can Have It All, Arnold Patent.
You can listen to Called2Action via the internet each week. See the link on the left.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Does The Christian Religion Empower or Imprison African Americans?
Guns loaded and ready to fire, my guests came out shooting right from the hips tonight. Some disagreement among them on the subject matter. One viewpoint was that the religion has always been a tool to imprison us. Another viewpoint Churches have accomplished much. Though we are not where we can be, "the glass is half filled from a spiritual point of view. My guests, the loquacious and colorful Adhim Deveaux, (bottom left) Julius Thompson, (bottom right) and soon to be best selling author Jimmy Dumas, author of the book 24 Reasons Why African Americans Suffer, were dynamic and knowledgeable in their presentation.

A Taste of Good Etiquette
Friday, July 13, 2007
The Coming Haitian Revolution
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Coming Called2Action
Tonight 7/8/07 The Coming Haitian Revolution
Week of 7/15/07 The Power of Knowing Good Etiquette.
Week of 7/22/07 Religion Does It Empower or Imprison? (Business Unfinished)
Week of 7/15/07 The Power of Knowing Good Etiquette.
Week of 7/22/07 Religion Does It Empower or Imprison? (Business Unfinished)
Saturday, July 07, 2007
A Look At Unequal Justice

There's been information circulating that says the CIA was instrumental in having cocaine traverse our communities --- reason not discussed ---- don't know if that's important. Regardless, we do not have to give our minds to anything that will control it, whether it be drugs or diabolical ideas clothed in nuances of sophistication. Thanks Bill.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Editorial Update
Our July 1, 2007 discussion with Arnold Patent has been postponed. No fault of Mr. Patent or myself. I was informed late last night (6/30) that some of the equipment in the Clear Channel's holdings were hit by lightning, resulting in our phone lines being scrambled. Mr Patent was joining us via telephone. Though the lines may be unscrambled by air time, I could not take a chance that it would be and had to move to an alternate plan. A rescheduling date of the interview has not been set, ----- as of yet. Stay tuned. ----- I'll get it in within a few weeks.
Monday, June 25, 2007
You Can Have It All... Says Who? Says Arnold Patent
Arnold Patent, author of the book “You Can Have It All”, will be my guest this week (7/1/07) on the Called2Action radio program. We will be discussing the basic laws (principles) of the universe. These principles have been recognized for many years, but relatively few people know them and even fewer use them in their daily lives, per Mr. Patent. He has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey TV program, and several of the major morning TV programs. He’s conducted these type trainings for 18 years throughout the
Sunday, June 24, 2007
A Bird's Eye View On Maryland's New Laws
The Honorable Delegate Rudy Cane, Maryland's 37A district discussed several major new laws that will be going into effect October 1, 2007. Upon briefly discussing the structure of our government the following new laws were discussed: 1) Expungements - Someone that is arrested but not charged, record will be automatically expunged. 2) Maryland has passed an expression of regrets for Maryland's role in Slavery, 3) Living Wage law is being considered, 4) others new law areas discussed were identity theft, Smoking Ban - Clean Indoor Air Act, Higher Education Tuition Freeze, Health Care Access, Electricity - Solar Energy. To read each of these laws and many others passed this year visit this link to the Maryland Legislature.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Fathering or the Lack Thereof In the African American Community
Soon to be best selling author, Jimmy Dumas, author of the book 24 Reasons Why African Americans Suffer, joined me from Alabama this past week, (Fathers Day) to discuss this important topic. We both congratulated the men in our communities who have regarded their children more important than themselves. They have supported them emotionally and financially, and they have likewise supported the mother of their children. These fathers have been pillars in the African American community. Their influence on their children have been long benefiting of our community.
On the other swing of the pendulum are those fathers who do just the opposite. They are absent in the lives of their children. Brother Dumas shared the following bits of information from the book "America Has Lost A Generation of Black Boys" by Phillip Jackson. Black men in Jail have become as common place as Apple pie. Other countries are looking at America and adopting America's social policies that encourage the incarceration and destruction of young men. More worst is the passivity that exist in the African American Community. On the program we discussed the Black Star Project, and how they are addressing the problem. We also discussed the church's role in this "mess". The statistics (see link) of our failures are astonishing. I should take time and cite the statistic here, but use the link above for more details. Great job Brother Dumas.
On the other swing of the pendulum are those fathers who do just the opposite. They are absent in the lives of their children. Brother Dumas shared the following bits of information from the book "America Has Lost A Generation of Black Boys" by Phillip Jackson. Black men in Jail have become as common place as Apple pie. Other countries are looking at America and adopting America's social policies that encourage the incarceration and destruction of young men. More worst is the passivity that exist in the African American Community. On the program we discussed the Black Star Project, and how they are addressing the problem. We also discussed the church's role in this "mess". The statistics (see link) of our failures are astonishing. I should take time and cite the statistic here, but use the link above for more details. Great job Brother Dumas.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Does Religion Empower or Imprison?
Isaac White, (in studio) and Adhim Deveaux (in Mt. Vernon, N.Y.) discussed this interesting topic this past week. The subject matter remains unfinished, but was definitely headed in the direction that religion as is practice has done more to hurt us than it has to help us. Churches are the wealthiest institution in the black community, but we must still go across town to borrow money at high interest rates; Most women in the church are obese. Obesity leads to many illnesses. The church does not address these things. Who do Christians follow in the Bible? Can you look at them and tell? An interesting discussion that will continue during the third week of July 2007. Stay tuned, if you haven't been tuned then get tuned.
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