Thursday, November 23, 2006

Why Can't We Get "Our Stuff" Together?

Jimmy Dumas, graduate of Alabama A&M, former Dean of Student Affairs and Director of Development at Selma University and Author of the soon to be best seller, 24 Reasons Why African American Suffer, will be my guest this weekend on the Called2Action radio program. Why do African Americans suffer? How long does it take to break the legacy of slavery? Why are other ethnic groups including African from the continent and the Caribbean doing better than African Americans? Jimmy will anwser these questions and share with us the 24 Reasons Why African Americans Suffer. Join us on this Sunday (11/26/2006) at 8:00pm on Clear Channel's Magic 98.9.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

National Teacher of the Year On Called2Action

The National Teacher of the Year will be joining the Called2Action show on December 3, 2006. Join me at 8:00pm for a discussion with Ms. Kimberly Oliver, (visit website).

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Now That We've Voted, What Next?

The "Always Willing for The Cause", Walter Black, (inset) was my guest this week on Called2Action. Now that the election is over and some of us have voted, what do we now do? I reviewed the voter turnout percentages between Dems and Reps. around the state and focused in on the results in our area. In the African American Community, at the St. James AME Zion Church precinct, 7 out of 10 registered voter did not vote. This was the worst in the county. At the other African American precinct, Salisbury Middle School, 6 out of every 10 registered voter diceided not to vote. Typically African Americans, when we do vote, we vote Democratic. There was strong support for Democratic candidates.
Now that the election is over, we must "cash in" with those people who went into office as a result of our vote, but we must know what we want from them, first of all. What do we want? 1) African American in Policy making positions in government, 2) conducsive working atmosphere in these offices for people of different ethnic backgrounds, 3) In our police departments, Civilian Review Boards, 4) better statistics keeping in all areas, participularly in areas where African Americans are discriminated against, and posting on the internet within 30 days of statistic gathering. We must become a member of groups in our community that will be a catalyst for igniting these things. Posted by Picasa

Walter Black Leaving Clear Channel Studio

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Politics or Politriks --- My Illustrious Guests

One of the things I share with each of our guest before they go on the show is that they are not suppose to have fun, but all times that's easier said than done. In the set to your left, my guest during an airing of the show that was done on Getting Out the Vote, and Understanding the Ballot Amendment Questions, Supervisor of Elections Katrina Purnell and Community Activist Earnest Leatherbury. See write up in set below.
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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It is Politics or Politricks?

If you said politics, with a flavoring of politricks you are correct- a- mondo. It's a bit difficult to understand why it's become so nasty, so complicated, and so tricky, or maybe it's always been. Despite that, we should ---- I mean MUST, ---- vote, after carefully studying all of the candidates. Katrina Purnell, a Supervisor for the Wicomico County Board of Elections and Earnest Leatherbury, a community activist, amongst other notable positions in our community, joined me on this week's Called2Action radio program to discuss the contents of the voting ballot and to share a few get out the vote strategies being employed in the African American Community on election day.

On the ballot, there are three Maryland Constitutional Amendment Questions and one Wicomico County charter amendment question. Katrina Purnell reviewed each of these questions with us, and shared with us what each question meant, and a few political ramifications. Wow! All these questions were written by lawyers and the use of legalistic terms is everywhere, for eg. the phrase "in banc" ----. It took me to the dictionary, (before the show) and I found out it meant ...all the appeals court judges are involved in hearing a case. Politics or Politricks ----- I've got to applaud Katrina for agreeing to be on the show. Our people need to know the issues and cast an educated vote. That was the purpose of the show. Earnest shared the get out the vote strategies that will be used to aid people in getting to the polls. Very Informative show. Glad you were able to join me.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Ene, Mene, Minee, Moe -- Don't Say So, On Election Day

On the first Sunday in November we will be discussing issues related to voting. There are four questions on the ballot in addition to candidates to vote for. In reviewing these questions, I would suggest you take your lawyer to the voting machines to interpret these questions for you, OR you may listen to the show this week. Katrina Purnell (member of Election Board), will simplify those questions for you. In addition we will talk about the efforts being make around the region to get out the vote --- who will be providing transportation etc. Ernest Leatherbury will also be taking to us about the get out the vote activities taking place in Wicomico County. We'll also talk about the get out the vote activities around the region. We just cannot afford to say Ene, Mene, Minee, Moe...

The Young and the Brave

These two young men were my guests this (10/29) week. Recommended to me by their principle, Lorenzo Hughes, because of their commitment to excelling. We hear much about African American males not doing well in school, these two men are examples of young men that are doing well. When I did the pre-show interview with them, several days prior to the show, I was impressed with their (GQ) dress attire and (positive) demeanor. They were both dressed in shirt and ties, and well groomed. On the show they talked about the importance of a good attitude, parental support, sports, relationships etc. They were a bit shy on the show, but they were brave. Brave young men to come on a radio show and talk about theset things. Thanks men.Posted by Picasa