Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Do We Become What We Eat? If So, Who Wants To Be a Cucumber.

Ernie Ramos, New York based Nutritionist, Herbologist, and Iridologist joins me on Sunday September 30, 2007 to discuss foods we shouldn't eat, foods we should eat, effects of processed foods, differences in the fats that we eat, effects of fried foods; do diets work? What should we eat? Is there a perfect diet? .... and by the way you will even learn what an Iridologist does. How do we address our many problems with allergies? ...etc.

This will be a very informative program that will affect us all.

Go Ernie, Go Ernie, Go Ernie......

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Challenges Confronting HBCU's in Maryland with President Richardson

Who better to address this topic than the President of Morgan State University, one of the 114 Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the nation, Dr. Earl Richardson. The good doctor and I spent about 50 minutes addressing the subject matter on this past week's Called2Action.
I was initially inspired to have Dr. Richardson join me after I heard on another radio station that Morgan State University, (MSU) was upset that the University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) had gotten an Engineering program. The report stated that MSU's engineering program would suffer because there were now two HBCU's with engineering programs in the state of Maryland. When I heard that report it sounded so idiotic that I thought I should make an effort to have the President to address this. President Richardson shared with me that he was proud to hear that UMES had received this program. In his 23 years at MSU he has worked for all HBCU's to have program and to receive adequate funding to operate. In my own words, HBCU's get the shaft; they are given programs and inadequate funding and then they are evaluated as if funding was adequate. The Higher Education Commission, (MHEC), which is responsible for planning educational endeavors in the state of Maryland has assumed a political role, which has not worked in our interest. Again these are my words and not Dr. Richardson's. By the way MSU, unlike UMES is not a part of the University system. I wonder what role does the Chancellor have in this, by the way who appoints the Chancellor and who appoints MHEC? Do you catch where I'm headed. Thanks Dr. Richardson for sharing this information.
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Friday, September 21, 2007

Prostate Cancer In African American Men

This month we've been discussing issues of health in the Af-Am community. This past week we talked about prostate cancer among African American men, and the week before AIDS/HIV among African American women. After hearing both these programs if you don't think something is happening that's severly wrong, then I don't know what more can be said. Black Men are 70% more likely to have prostate cancer than White Men, and we much more likely to die because of it. Men like Colin Powell, Strokely Carmicheal (died of it), Tiger Woods father (died of it), Andrew Young, Louis Farrakkhan, are just a few who have been affected by this "thing". We've learned that diet, heredity, and life styles all contribute. Men 45 and older should be tested annually. My guest (in set), have both suffered from it --- Dr. Al Rayne (former Dentist) -- left --and Dr. Herman Franklin, (former Vice President at University of Maryland Eastern Shore).
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Sunday, September 16, 2007


Highly informative programming upcoming. Here they are:

  • September 16, 2007 --- Prostate Cancer in African American Men -- Drs. Herman Franklin and Al Rayne (In Studio)
  • September 23, 2007--- President of Morgan State University Dr. Earl Richardson talks about Challenges Confronting Historically Black Institutions. (In Studio) Picture in set
  • September 30, 2007 --- What We Eat and Shouldn't Eat --- Dr. Earnie Ramos -- (Joins Us From New York City)
  • October 7, 2007 --- The Going's On in the Haitian Community -- Bro. Habacuc Pepion (In Studio)

Sunday, September 09, 2007

HIV/AID in the African American Community...and our Women.

HIV/AIDS is ravishing our communities. Statistics show that in Maryland 79% of all cases are African Americans, in Delaware 66% cases are African Americans. African American women suffer from this disease much higher than African American men, and it comes mostly through heterosexual relationships. On the continent of Africa the statistics are much worst. This is not reported in the news. Called2Action discusses this topic this evening. My guest James Miller, an HIV/AIDS advocate at Charles Drew University in South Los Angeles is my guest this week. We will discuss this challenge that faces our community, why it's not in the media like it once was and what we can do to address this. Why African American women are affected my this so much. Is it a form of genocide, perpetuated by hate groups that have become more sophisticated in their manner of doing things? Something bothers me about what's happening here...and I'm going to keep this in the public eye. I need your help. Will you help me and others like James Miller? Time is running out. Doesn't the picture (in set) of this mother and her baby hurt your heart. We need you to help. In our churches, organizations, clubs and schools we need to factor this in as a high priority need in our community. Please Help.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Disparities In Health Care and Health Outcomes...

...along racial lines. LaQuandra Nesbitt, M.D., M.P.H., Chief Resident in Family Medicine at the University of Maryland Medical Systems was my guest this week. No doubt there are major disparities in health care and health outcomes. At the expense of of being non-repetitive to much data that exist on the web, and in resources like, the Covenant with Black America, I'll forgo establishing this problem exist. Causes for the problem ---- there is much ---- for e.g. quality of care, environmental factors life styles, access to health care, racism. Addressing this problem must include affecting public policies, personal life styles changes, professionals who will sacrifice money for moving into our communities and provide the needed care. Dr. Nesbitt may be contacted at 410-706-1040. Thanks Dr. Nesbitt for accepting the Called2Action challenge.