Sunday, February 12, 2006

Liberating the Improvished

Saturday's show on the Debilitating Effects of Poverty attributed poverty to several things. These things are 1) public policy 2) a number of ---isms, 3) personal choices 4) low paying jobs, and 4) lack of formal education --- tied into personal choices.

Our Call2Action, 1) be involved in shaping public policy by voting and holding leaders accountable, 2) turn your ---isms into achiev-ism. Turn you bads into good --- attitude is important, 3) stay away from paying high interest rates, predatory lending, spend less in buying things that do not appreciate in value, do not rent furniture, TV etc. 4) pursue furthering your education. We all are responsible for helping our fellow man. We are all improvished if we fail to help those that are.
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