Friday, November 30, 2007

HIV/AIDS; A Weapon of African American Mass Destruction

Dr. John W. Hogan MD in Gastrointestinal Diseases and Medical Officer at several Washington D.C. Hospitals and an HIV Specialist and Tavania Chester an HIV/AIDS Case Manager in Cambridge, Md., were my guests this past week on the Called2Action radio program. Our Topic HIV/AIDS. An appropriate topic in light of the fact that on December 1, annually it's HIV/AIDS awareness day. This disease continues to destroy our community, particularly African American women. Nationally, African Americans account for 13% of the total population, but we are 49% of the HIV/AID cases in the US --- not to mention what's happening on the continent of Africa. For persons 25 years and younger, 61% of cases are African American. The state of Maryland has the 3rd highest rate in the nation. We talked about causes, and the importance of partners being tested together. If you have a friend that you will be intimate with, this type of testing is particularly important. The severity of the problem is increasing, and as always families, churches, schools and other organizations have a role in addressing the problem from a preventative mode and a supportive mode, if in fact it's been contracted. Young people should encourage each other to be tested. There is medication today that will allow persons with HIV to live a normal life.
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