Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Hispanic Community and the Challenges They Confront

We've began an appropriate dialogue on effectively resolving the problems that confront the Hispanic/Latino (His-La) communities. Our ultimate goal is to align the forces of the His-La communities with the African and Haitian communities. We have much in common, --- to begin, we are the have less, consequently we are the first to experience the maladies of society, i.e. access to health care and jobs, poor grades in schools, child care etc. My thanks to the ladies who took the chance to
be interviewed by me -- in Washington DC. Natali Fani, Leila Borrero Krouse, Nohora Rivero, and Mariana Padley, (see first photo to right).
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1 comment:

Orville "OP" Penn said...

Very Good Show. Would like to hear more from the Hispanic Community